
Egg soup

Egg soup
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word spring medicinal egg soup - Chinese wolfberry egg soup with spleen and kidney:

Stomach, Yin dryness, raise blood except vexed. Applicable to spleen and kidney losses, and chronic hepatitis, faint of heart already in patients with cirrhosis.

Egg soup - 6 (figure) egg soup jujubes,

Egg soup qi jujube egg soup

We began to introduce below? Egg soup - Chinese wolfberry of raw materials and egg soup and detailed practices:

Lycium barbarum flavour, sex, nourishing kidney, function, shrewd. Pharmacology, medlar polysaccharide is not only, also have immunity enhancement immunoregulatory effects. i.

Qizi and protect liver and fatty liver function. In addition, medlar and proven can improve superoxide dismutase (sod), to remove startup factor - super oxide anion freedom

To prolong life, have positive significance.

Red: red jujube can fill in yiqi, raise blood to tranquilize the nerves, and to enhance immunity and anti-oxidation, etc.

Ingredient: 30 grams of medlar, red jujube 10, two eggs.

Method: medlar clean drain, red jujube kernel, wash to put together in sand pot, add water boil, add in egg amount can be cooked, seasoning and 2 times.



HuangDouShang salvia miltiorrhiza

HuangDouShang salvia miltiorrhiza
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this way, medicinal HuangDouShang salvia miltiorrhiza slimming soup HDP has deficiency of liver and raise up blood stasis dispel. Applicable to chronic hepatitis and liver splenomegaly who transfers.

The introduction of salvia miltiorrhiza HuangDouShang salvia miltiorrhiza slimming soup of raw materials and methods:

Salvia miltiorrhiza bitter taste, blood to tranquilize the nerves, the function of blood, pus calming nerves pain. Modern medical research proves, danshen can have

To improve the effect of superoxide dismutase (sod), the body of free radicals, reduce the removal ability enhancement cell, tissue and dirty

The denaturation and destruction.

Soybean, sex, sexual function, spleen yiqi and wide, or dryness, qingrejiedu. Soybean phospholipid except the can

Drop in blood essel walls of cholesterol, maintain hemal wall softening and can prevent liver inside the store fat. Soybeans contain large

Doug isoflavone, can strengthen giant cell function, make the spleen generating immunoglobulin M enhancement, peripheral blood lymphocyte content

Increased. To keep up the deficiency of liver.

Ingredient: salvia miltiorrhiza 10 grams, beans, honey.

Method: wash put arenaceous boiler HDP, wash with water soaking soybean 1 hour, pour water amount, to the soup

Soybeans and picked out, add honey seasoning red-rooted salvia can be eaten.



Cassia seed porridge

Cassia seed porridge
Chinese food sweet hint: this way, mainly introduce medicinal practice and decides the semen cassia porridge. In addition, our word is also suitable for medicinal patient with hypertension. This way, medicinal effect: liver, aperient eyesight. Applicable to hypertension, hyperglycemia and habitual constipation, etc.
Cassia seed porridge:
Cassia seed porridge semen cassia efficacy
The source of porridge,

Raw material decides (fry) 10 ~ 15 grams of 50 grams of sugar japonica

Mix in the pan fry until it is removed, and micro aroma to fry sauce, after the cold
Slag, add japonica conjee, porridge, add sugar, when will boil boil feed can be lengthened again.

Usage fitness. Diaphragmatic springsummer Daily 1, 5-7 days for a period.

Should avoid the stool and diarrhea.



To wrinkles

To wrinkles
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: spring breeze big easily cause the skin is dry, so today to serve up some good hairdressing wrinkles, select medicinal.

Wrinkles medicinal selection

In fact besides cosmetics besmear daub, what can wipe with wrinkles? That is a variety of little secret inside, look for you, together with the youth


Don't LaoFang appearance


Ginger 500 grams, jujube 250 grams, aloes, clove every 25 grams, fennel 200 grams, 30 grams of salt, licorice 150 grams.

How do? :

These things were for the end, and beaten. Set aside.

How to eat the most effective:

Every morning, when open bubble tea drinking 10 grams. Eliminating wrinkle, looks old efficacy.

Lingzhi quail soup


Break quail eggs, ganoderma lucidum 60 grams, red jujube 12.

How do? :

1 the ganoderma lucidum wash, cut into small pieces, Jujube (to) clean nuclear, Hard-boiled quail eggs, shell.

2 all the materials into the pot, add water, fire, WuHuo boil boil until the sugar to taste, ganoderma lucidum, again into boiling pot.

With blood and essence reduce wrinkles. Color

Skin and anti-wrinkle drinks

Materials: folk prescription: a few food and stomach!

Celery, broccoli, tomatoes, red grapes, grapefruit, orange, honey and milk is adequate.

How do? :

1 the celery, broccoli, tomato, orange, grapefruit juice with stir.

Grape juice 2 separate spare, Honey and milk heating water will soften. Above mix together.

How to eat the most effective:

1-2 times per day. Often take has abundant muscle and reduce wrinkles ze skin, make skin tender, shiny red.

R. anti-wrinkle porridge


Ripe radix rehmanniae, medlar every 20 grams, delicately fragranced 10 grams, chicken meat 100 grams, 60 grams, fine salt japonica, ginger, monosodium glutamate, with adequate.

How do? :

Wash chicken meat, chop the meat mud, backup, Pour dihuang three traditional Chinese medicine water two times, juice, set aside.

Wash, put the earth japonica, add chicken meat with fire, and simmer porridge, add fine salt into porridge, chopped green onion, ginger, and gourmet of flour for cooking.

How to eat the most effective:

One day, when breakfast, 1 times strike after eating. Every 20 agent for a period, the interval after 5 available under a treatment. With blood and nourishing kidney, PE, i. listened Ukrainian occurred solid tooth efficacy. Long served have anti-wrinkle anti-ageing effect.

Almond milk sesame seed


Almond 150 grams, walnuts, sesame, 75 grams of white rice every 100 grams (glutinous rice with warm water for 30 minutes), black sesame 200 grams, evaporated milk, 250 grams of sugar and water amount 60 grams, medlar, s.s. amount.

How do? :

First, sesame and stir-fry until slightly above materials together with gauze champs paste, filter, candy and water juice, then boil the paste, and medlar, s.s., fire boil.

How to eat the most effective:

Every morning after cooling, every 100 grams. With skin, delay ageing skin colour and anti-wrinkle and anti-wrinkle efficacy.



Wax gourd corn sparerib soup

Wax gourd corn sparerib soup
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this way, a cookbook edema medicinal subordinate recipe diuresis recipes old recipe cancer anticancer food. Because the gourd and corn is adipose, go to the soup, and edema of cooking method is very simple, continue to drink one to two months, can be effective.
Wax gourd sparerib soup (FIG) corn,
Wax gourd corn sparerib soup
Wax gourd corn sparerib soup:

Carrot 375 grams, wax gourd 600 grams, corn, mushroom (2) 5, soak lean 150 grams, 2 slices ginger, salt



1. Peel carrots, rinsed clean.
2. Wash and wax cut thick blocks.
3 corn clean, chop.
4 mushroom, go after maceration of's clean.
5 and the cup of hot lean clean again after you wash it.
6 adequate water to boil, carrot, wax gourd, corn, mushrooms, lean lean, ginger, and bring to boil to boil after two hours,

Next season with salt.


Cooking tomato flowers

Cooking tomato flowers
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: today is to bring you the menu is cooking tomato anti-cancer, because

The efficacy of tomato has indication, promote the secretion has qingrejiedu, feed, cool blood, blood, blood flat with stomachic effect. Especially low immunity of cancer or disease

People often are tomatoes or the benefits of kelp.

Anti-cancer food tomato stir-fries flowers

Anti-cancer food tomato stir-fries flowers

The following are the ingredients and cooking tomato flowers made detailed process:


Cauliflower, tomatoes


Peas, tomato sauce


Soya, water, sugar, salt, water starch

Production steps:

1 will remove bottom leaves, cauliflower sword cut into mouthful size, put in the pale salt soak for 10 minutes after rinse. Set aside. Wash tomatoes stalks into large pieces. Wash the pea pea, (e.g. by freezing to half an hour earlier in the refrigerator, put out at thaw).

2 in the water, fire into the soup pot boil, add cauliflower, with 2 minutes, Chao fires in Chao peas 1 minute, with iron were will remove and pea cauliflower drain water.

3 in oil, fry pan into the fire, into oil heating heat, in July, cauliflower and tomatoes, after a few fry pea add tomato sauce, with shovel quick stir fry.

4. Pour into water, add sugar and sauce, salt, mix, change of fire and cook for about 2 minutes, see each tomatoes are introduced into the melting into the water and fire, the starch clockwise (or counterclockwise circle, tick off gorgon euryale direction.



Turnip seed QianShi pig tongue soup

Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: the way of medicinal material analysis, turnip sex, can eliminate XinGan cool taste, resolving phlegm and hot, stagnant air, wide; under Lotus sex, can draw flavour acerbity, spleen, stomach mind Gump QianShi sexual flavour, can draw tonifying spleen diarrhoea, Jujube, sexual flat flavour with yiqi, nourish the lung and stomach can function, Pig blood, tongue can relatively nourishing and strong, Pig blood and bone marrow, strong bones birth. What soup, in fact, wide in early spring, except li qushi trapped.

The name "turnip seed QianShi pig tongue soup

[efficacy] in fact, wide qi.

The makings] turnip 750 grams, lotus 50 grams, QianShi 25 grams, jujube 3 500 grams, tongue, pig pig bone 750 grams.

The tongue turnip seed QianShi pig of soup.
A skin clean, turnip, oblique cut in pieces, lotus seeds, QianShi, jujube to wash and rinse nuclear slightly soak,
Second, pigs and clean, scraping tongue cut into large, with pig in boiling water for a bone, and remove blood boiling water, after the pigs fly back on crack with,
Three, put all the ingredients together into the pot, put two and a half hours to boil small amount of salt and oil seasoning. This amount to 3 ~ 4 people to eat.

[usage] carnivorous drink soup.



Shark fin soup of tofu

Shark fin soup of tofu
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: today is bringing the shark fin soup, bean curd, hope you like bean curd soup soup friends like ~! .
Shark fin soup bean curd soup. Bean curd
Eat, drink soup. Soup wounded stomach doesn't taste delicious, but there still has certain dietary role, it not only can increase appetite, promoting digestion, also with spleen qi and nourishing qushi, male, qinggan mingmu moisturizing effect of colour after drinking a little sweet and sour soup. Satiated and bored, sober and feed solution when the cold drink. "hot bean curd soup", can reduce pain. In people pay more and more attention to the quality of the diet of today, the efficacy of soup and develop acme, therefore, all sorts of soup tastes delicious food was "now".

But don't forget, drink soup, can prevent illness, but can't cure disease, you must also take medicine.

Here is to introduce the concrete practice of shark fin soup of tofu and steps:

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Materials: shark fin, bean curd, shrimp, spinach puree.

Seasonings: some salt and white powder.

Methods: 1. A pot of water to boil. All materials in 2 (cut tofu xiaoding). 3. Add salt to taste. 4 to join too powder flour.



Sweet potato approval date sugar water

Sweet potato approval date sugar water
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: today is spring brings to wet secret yam tonic huai jujubes, sugar water. This sweet water is a sugar huai dates for spring, sweet potato and eat dessert yam, jujube were them sweet food, compensation, prevent suffered stomach, add, afternoon tea, or as a dessert, snacks, sweet and delicious and nutritious, is my secret. Health spring,
In the process of making this word medicinal need to pay attention to 2:
1, red jujube had better go nuclear edible after ZaoHe because hot, eat more easily.
2, if use fresh yam skin, when must take gloves, or sensitive.
Spring nourishing to wet secret yam approval date sugar water

Spring nourishing to wet secret yam approval date sugar water nutrition clew:

Yam: and the blood fill in, wide aperient bowel, enhance immunity, prevent cancer anticancer, anti-aging, prevent arteriosclerosis, contains rich dietary fiber supplements, is very good, eat more healthful material. However, gastric, heartburn, diabetes, also don't eat shoulds not be with the persimmon, tomatoes, liquor, crab, bananas with food.

Red: contain protein, fat, carbohydrate, organic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium amino acids etc rich nutrition. TCM holds that red is beneficial stomach, tonifying qi qi, blood and blood to tranquilize the nerves, detente property, etc.

Yam: nutrition is rich, is the tonic food after recovery. Yam contains proteins can prevent cardiovascular system glue of fat deposits, prevent arteriosclerosis. Still can increase human consumption yam T lymphocytes, enhance the immune function, cell delay senescence. Yam contains rich vitamin and minerals, which contains quantity of heat and relatively low weight, have very good fitness function.


Sweet potato a (about 150 grams), red jujube (5) to nuclear (about 20 grams), HuaiShan slice 20 grams (available in supermarkets or pharmacies, fresh yam can also, fresh yam 50 grams), 2 slices ginger, candy


1, will go nuclear, dry red with warm water for 10 minutes, HuaiShan slice rinse off with clear water, soak for 10 minutes, if use fresh yam, wear gloves to wash, cut into skin and sweet potato with big hob,

2, sweet potatoes peel, wash, cut hob to use,

3, will sweet potato, red jujube, HuaiShan, ginger, injected with in pot 2 times of water, boil, use small heat to boil for about 20 minutes, and material SuRuan enough,

4, add sugar and cook, serve.



Lily tremella porridge

Lily tremella porridge
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word medicinal tremella lily porridge must use fresh lily that make the effect to the word, and with good food, Yin qi, runfei.

Lily porridge lily porridge. Tremella

Tremella lily porridge materials and action:

The original material: lily 100 grams of tremella (dry) 15 grams. Medlar 30 grams. 30 grams of sugar.

Lily: cold qualitative, "good dryness. To lung, theheart sutra.
Into the lungs, lung, clear heat, Yin and cough, nourish embellish In theheart sutra, yangxin Yin, argued that the heart, and ease of god. Hot
Altogether, so often to bother with cancer, light, insomnia

Tremella can, blood circulation, and functions of nourishing Yang, especially intestinal wind can take blood, women.

Chinese wolfberry, kidney essence, liver and blood to tranquilize the nerves, eyesight, promote the secretion cough runfei.

Lily: fuck off pieces of 1, wash and drain dry,

2 respectively, tremella soft, drain,

3 will go with the hand, tremella tored into modest block water flooded into the pot, full of fire and cook for about 15 minutes, medlar and cook for 5 minutes, then adding some rock candy to boil, add boiled slightly soluble lily can remove 1 minute, immediately



Lotus QianShi porridge

Lotus QianShi porridge
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word is calm nerves, medicinal LianZiZhou tranquilize the nerves, yangxin to accelerate.

Lotus QianShi LianZiZhou porridge

Here is to introduce the lotus QianShi porridge needed materials and the efficacy of raw materials:

Lotus: tonifying spleen and kidney acerbity diarrhoea, yangxin nerves. For long, spermatorrhea pixu, palpitation insomnia. To prevent premature lotus, abortion, pregnant woman is the most effective waist sour.

QianShi QianShi: per 100 grams in product contains moisture 11 grams of fat, protein 11.8 grams, 0.2 grams carbon hydration, calcium content 75.4 21 mg, phosphor, iron 9.6 mg 264 mg, also contain a small amount of vitamin

Ingredients: lotus 50 grams, QianShi 15 grams, rice of 300 grams

Practice: the lotus, QianShi, rice had clean. Put the ingredients into a pot, and add water to boil. Cover with, After the fire, KaiGuo stay up a smaller again. When water cooked porridge

Put some more, don't make too thick porridge.


Lotus lily porridge

Lotus lily porridge
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word has nourishing food lotus lily porridge, yangxin nerves.

Lotus lily porridge lily porridge

Introduce below the medicinal materials as well as the lotus lily porridge, including detailed materials:

Lotus: tonifying spleen and kidney acerbity diarrhoea, yangxin nerves. For long, spermatorrhea pixu, palpitation insomnia. To prevent premature lotus, abortion, pregnant woman is the most effective waist sour

Lily: cold qualitative, "good dryness. To lung, theheart sutra. Into the lungs, lung, clear heat, Yin and cough, nourish embellish In theheart sutra, yangxin Yin, argued that the heart, and ease of god. Hot Altogether, so often to bother with cancer, light, insomnia

Preparation: lotus lily, 30 grams of japonica, 30 grams of 100 grams, 30 grams of sugar, red jujube several

Methods: will wash hair, lotus, dry lily, respectively, and japonica seed, wash with red pot, add water to boil with wood-pile, apply with small fire, cooked, fast when joining

Boil sugar, slightly.



LianZiGeng tremella

LianZiGeng tremella
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this way, or that tremella LianZiGeng tremella medicinal effect of soup, the seed word food has rich nutrition, health, and can be used as a complete food supplements the Yin constitution.
Tremella LianZiGeng tremella lotus soup

The following are: LianZiGeng tremella or tremella lotus soup materials and methods

Ingredients: 100g, tremella lotus 20 grams, sugar, rice, red jujube several 100 grams

Practice: the rice gruel cooked. Can put sugar (boiled diabetes can also put). Tremella. In lukewarm water Lotus cooked to heart. Then put tremella jujube, lotus seed, and open

In a pot of porridge, sugar, boiled slightly into WenHuo



Carrot juice

Carrot juice
Today is Monday, but today throat uncomfortable, recall the words, although not as dry as more violent, autumn yeet hay spring also can let a person imperceptible in mouth, flow nosebleed rotten. Want to prevent these annoying disorders, still need to do some hotness nutrition food. So, you have today this delicious food.
Spring: honey, carrot juice carrot juice
Honey, carrot juice carrot juice

Below and all say carrot juice of honey, is actually carrot juice + honey haha ~! Practice is very simple, but the effect is very good.

We want to help

Honey, turnip:

Bai luobo 500 grams, clean skin, extracting chop. Each take 60 ml turnip, add 20 -

30 grams flour honey, three times a day.



Celery porridge

Celery porridge
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: recently, the old friends asked me, so the celery today will bring you the celery approach - is to color congee, celery incense and with care function of feeding, and comparison of porridge for summer. Celery porridge main treatment concretion run smoothly cool blood.
Celery practice celery soup

[raw celery 100 grams, fresh] 50 grams of salt, adequate japonica.

[molykote] cooked porridge, take japonica add chopped parsley wash, slow to stew lai rice, add a little salt.

[usage] once-daily, warm, three weeks for a period.

text links:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/129.html


Guangxi yam soup. Jujubes

Guangxi yam soup. Jujubes
Chinese herbal medicinal word: this intimate tips in guangxi jujubes, yam soup with tonifying spleen and stomach yam the function, Longan, red jujube, invigorating spleen qi beneficial stomach.

Material: red jujube 12, yam about 300 grams, GuiYuanRou 2 big spoon

Seasonings: 1/2 cup sugar

Methods: 1.the jujube soft, yam, chop into clear water, boil together, and cook until tender, in longan and sugar to taste. 2 for cooking, then spread to GuiYuanRou heat and serve.

Tip: 1. This dessert hot food. 2 in the process of cooking, when the mucous floating yam to remove the soup, except to keep clean. 3 because of the longan darker, so the taste sugar with sugar or red sugar.
text links:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/128.html


Cream turnip soup

Cream turnip soup
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word is "medicinal excess, blood, is suitable for spring weak edible. Foreign are wet miscellaneous person and hurt Yin YouYi
Cream turnip soup of turnip soup
Raw turnip 250 grams, carrots, parsley, at the end of March 25 grams flour, butter 25 grams, lard 15 grams, chicken broth, 1000 grams, milk, a little salt 10 grams, mustard, some pepper, lemon juice, gourmet powder, a little bit.


1 the pot to burn the butter into mature, fry flour into light yellow, add milk, mixing into MianJiang milk, Wash the carrots cut xiaoding, mix on salt with a little salt.

2, bai luobo wash cut into small cubes, mix the flour, salt, pepper and marinate for a while, saute chicken lard, with fire and cook for about 20 minutes.

3 and toss carrots butyl slightly after cooking, add the milk MianJiang, pepper, mustard, parsley, lemon juice, monosodium glutamate flour.

This spring to three series of health food at the end of the diet and everybody to spring, spring air temperature change principle, bacteria, viruses, easy to wait microbial began to attack the body and pathogenesis, so the spring nutrition composition should be mainly with high quantity of heat, should absorb enough vitamin and inorganic salt. Either Chinese or western food, whether big or ordinary taste of the potluck, steaming, fragrance waft soup is little not. In the spring of cold warm zha still a pot, but give family with warm soup great satisfaction. Therefore, the essence of food and nutrition.

text links:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/127.html


Duck soup all caterpillar

Duck soup all caterpillar

Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word in the lungs with filling kidney medicinal gas spring edible can nourishing Yin and Yang, strong body.
PS: this way, please with music medicinal food friend to listen to the music appreciation.
In the soup
Raw material, the duck cordyceps 10 grams 1, mirrin 15 grams, ginger, leaf, some pepper, 10 grams, salt. Broth,


1, will wash the duck, and go into the pot of boiling water claws, cooked, remove a cup with water after washing clean.

2, cordyceps rinse with warm water silt, Ginger, wash, slice.

3 and the neck split, duck cordyceps 8 ~ 10 in ducks head, reoccupy thread entangle, rest of cordyceps and ginger, worship together, and then put into the duck intra-abdominal vessel, injection amount clear soup, salt, pepper, mirrin tuned flavour, use wet cotton seal mouth, steam about 2 hours.

4, will launch ChengQuan duck vessels, to cotton, ginger, leaf, add MSG.

text links:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/126.html


How to cook soup?

How to cook soup
Everybody likes the friend hello ~ food! Today, and everybody says about pottage skills ~! Often see some friends asked how to cook soup? How to cook good hot? Boil soup skill is what? So today I will tell you if you follow this, a total of seven, can endure a good-looking and drink soup!
How to cook soup pottage skills
Boil soup "seven to."

Want to drink soup in a healthy body, the details will make soup, "seven to science to".

A, material to consummate

Material is the key to good cook fresh soup. To boil soup, must choose good taste, smell, and fresh animal gory raw materials, such as chicken, duck, pig lean pig elbows, pigs, bone, ham, cured-dry duck, fish, etc. This kind of food contains rich protein, butanedioic acid, amino acids, peptides, they also, the main source of steamed soup.

Second, the food must be fresh

Namely, choose taste Shan without meat. Fresh and not historically has exquisite "meat to eat fresh kill fish" jump "ShiXian". Modern speak, refers to the fresh fish and poultry died 3 ~ 5 hours, fish or fowl of various enzymes that protein, fat and other such as amino acids, fatty acid decomposition of the material body easily absorbed, not only the most nutritious, also had better.

Third, the cooker to choose

Cook fresh soup with old jar best effect. After high temperature firing jug, and are strong, heat, and adsorption cooling slowly, etc. When the jar to boil soup, and the external lasting balance transfer to the material energy, and in the environment temperature, relative balance with food and water molecules of infiltration, this kind of infiltration of the long time maintaining, delicious ingredients overflow morer, through the taste of the soup more fresh flavor of raw material, the crisp rotten.

Four, temperature should be appropriate

The key is: boil soup wood-pile, small fire burned slowly heat boiling. Such ability of protein in food flavor substances such as extract to dissolve, make up the soup more fresh and fruity. Only fire can dissolve more nutrients and strong taste, is clear.

Five, the water is reasonable

Water is delicious food, food and heat transfer of the solvent. The change of temperature, dosage of soup, nutrition and flavor has a direct impact. Water is usually the main food boil soup, and three times the weight of food and water to make common heat. Boil soup is unfavorable use hot water, if one begins to pour hot pot of boiling water, meat or by high temperature, the outer surface suddenly protein will soon solidification, make the layer can dissolves into protein soup. In addition, if boil soup pot, add water to midway protein can dissolves into the soup, the taste of the soup, delicious, but not enough to clear soup too.

Six, collocation to appropriate

Some foods are already fixed between the collocation of complementary role model, nutrition, known as the "golden collocation table." Most is worth mentioning, acidic food stew broth kelp pork and alkaline food nutrition of kelp just can cooperate with each other, this is Japan's longevity region of Okinawa food ", "longevity. In order to make the soup tastes is pure, should not be commonly use too many varieties of animal food together through.

Seven, careful operation

Boil soup when first put salt, salt with osmosis, because can make the water from raw material, protein and solidification. Boil soup in a long time when temperature maintenance, 85-100 degrees in vegetable soup, if add with put over to eat, lest vitamin C is destroyed. The soup can moderate in monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, pepper, ginger, Onions, garlic, but dosage flavoring shoulds not be too much, so as not to affect the soup.
text links:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/125.html


Wax gourd green bean soup

Wax gourd green bean soup
Everybody good today brings the gourd green bean soup, and is the practice of green bean ~! Hope you enjoy and good for everybody to see the finished! Then said the soup and practice and make points skills.
Wax gourd green bean soup

[500 grams, material] wax gourd, green beans 150 grams of 5 grams of 15 grams, ginger, salt and a little fresh soup 500 grams.

Wash practice] [for each on a saucepan, add fresh soup burn boiling, skim bubble. Ginger, wash clap pot, add onion washed into the pan, add mung bean. Peel wax gourd, remove the pulp, wash, cut into parts, ground up into saucepan burn until cooked and not bad, and salt, heat.

[key] to make good in wax gourd, mung beans will begin again after.

[features] heat, thirst, diuresis QuShu.

text link:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/124.html


Onions soya bean curd soup

Onions soya bean curd soup
Today is Saturday, good Chinese medicinal nets every day, we bring you a fresh food food, today not bring food, is a spring onion soup is light soya bean curd soup health.
Spring is delicate and goluptious, avoid eating oily, cold and excitant food. This soup is a good choice. Drink soup diet method is more advantageous than any other human nutrition supplements and easily absorbed by the body. Well that's bullshit! Look below to give you a product diagram and the need of raw materials, production methods.
Spring onion soya bean curd soup - health
Four blocks and light material fermented bean curd 20 grams, 2, water amount.


1 the generative, rinse clean shoot off leaf flat.

2, the bean curd is Fried, then apply the generative, add water, boil it, turn simmer for about half an hour.

3 and in worship, wait for the green, savoir aroma taste after drinking.

Chinese herbal nets sweet hint this soup:

Onions soya bean curd soup tastes light, can spread, aromatic: tqbyp has good effect on allergic wind, suitable for colds, headache, nasal congestion, sneezing, nose, clearance flow, cough, sore throat itch terrible cold symptoms of the patients. But when it is hot drinks, taking after fevers should be paid attention to.

原文连接 text link:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/122.html


What to eat food inventory hotness

What to eat food inventory hotness
In spring, often by voice uncomfortable, headache, cold ah '! Today I will bring you scan hotness food ~! This can make you buy food in daily life. Good psychological hotness that is nonsense not ~! I have prepared a list of food and various hotness hotness effect of food to help ~! Now would give you '!
Eat what? Hotness
Pomelo, pear: sexual flavour acid, micro cold outside can heat, its characteristic is in fact can lung. For pulmonary hot cough vomit yellow sputum, pharynx pain very dry and the children.

Fresh lotus: raw can go XinHuo, heat, yangxin nerves.

The sex differences: small cold, fruit juice, after the fever heat rich without clean upset thirsty, birth and sore, dry urine yellow wait for children very fit to eat.

Carambola: sexual cold, taste sweet and sour, hot, or fire ChiCheng, oral ulcer tattered child most appropriate.

Chinese cabbage, micro: cold, heat of the effect. ErBian

Celery: cold sex, can go away, easy solution lung and stomach heat fire ", "the boy often feed.

Lettuce above: micro texture, moisture, crisp, function and feature of phlegm, suitable, sixiao, lung and stomach's children are hot.

The lotus: sex, flat beaten raw food or better effect is clear or juice, cough runfei, with pear juice, if taking its validity it.and more beautiful.

Eggplant: cold sex, can give easy qingrejiedu, "fire" child edible oil burning when cooking, the method can be used evaporate eggplant method.

Lily: sexual flat micro cold and cough runfei carambola, waste of fever, not after throat sore, the disease has upset thirsty.

Balsam pear: sex big cool, taste bitter, purging fire, the real six-channel extreme heat food. Blindly
text link:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/121.html


Spring to wet food soup selection

Today is the first day of the year after ~! But these days is always wet weather ~! Give people feel very good ~! So today will bring you some spring to wet food ~! Is a series of ~! Another spring weather capricious and damp, easy tired and sleepy, are more likely to suffer from respiratory illnesses, stomach and skin diseases. Therefore, in this warm spring, we should conform to the change of weather, do some "to wet action". Guangdong people deal with "wet", most like to wet soup "solution, so now will introduce a few" to wet soup "to you.
Most studies of guangdong, soup with different supplement, cooking soup soup, only different is the spring to wet soup and many varieties. For example:

Spleen qushi soup

(2 ~ 3 person component)

Material: HuaiShan (one) 10 grams, TuFuLing 10 grams, brook HuangCao 10 grams, porcine pancreatic YueLi pig spleen (300 grams), water amount.

Methods: HuaiShan TuFuLing HuangCao creek, and wash, the pig YueLi together into the sand boil, add some water, then turn small pot fire pot 1 hour.

Suitable for dealing with spleen. Second-ranking

And the wet soup

(3 ~ 4 people component)

Material: 30 grams of kapok JiDanHua, 30 grams, 30 grams of pagoda YiMi, 30 grams of 100 grams lean lean, fry, 30 grams of lentils, dried tangerine or orange peel or amomum 12 grams.

Methods: the pagoda tree, JiDanHua YiMi, lean lean, fry, lentils, dried tangerine or orange peel or amomum clean sand pot, put together with water, using fire pot, turn again small fire pot 1 hour.

For those hot second-ranking pixu drinkable.

Heat to wet soup

(2 ~ 3 person component)

Material: soil FuLing 250 grams, 250 grams, ChiXiaoDou 50 grams, lentils, dried tangerine or orange peel, eight bowls of water. Half

Methods: soil FuLing peel section, tear, peel into the pot, will turn to low heat and boil water roll 3 hours.

Responding to bone, wet, hot fire.

Quail to wet soup

(2 ~ 3 person component)

Material: quail 4 YiMi, lily, every 50 grams, ginger 3 pieces.

Methods: quail, YiMi, lily, ginger add sand pot, together with adequate water pot 1 ½ hours.

Responding to wet, suitable for clearing runfei phlegm.

Horizontal YueLi to wet soup

(2 ~ 3 person component)

Material: pig horizontal YueLi 250 grams, selfheal, cotton gall every 10 grams, 2 slices ginger.

Methods: the first pig YueLi fly to xing spare; water, Will selfheal, cotton gall and ginger and pig spleen in sand pot in YueLi together, and water, boil, then with fire fire small pot turn one and a half hours.

Responding to the soup, not only to clear away heat, liver wet to people with diabetes and dietary supplements.

Grass to wet tortoise soup

(3-5 people component)

Material: grass turtle, pork 200 500 grams

G, fresh soil FuLing 250 grams, red jujube 6.

Methods: straw turtle, pork, soil FuLing jujube together on sand pot boil 3 to 4 hours.

Responding to wet and heat, have detoxify.

Cucumber to wet soup

Material: old cucumber 800 g (cna) to nuclear sac 25 grams, japonica 25 grams, duck renal 2, water amount.

Methods: 1, the old cucumber capsule, cut into large pieces to nuclear, soak dried tangerine or orange peel, slightly, wash and clean, fly duck renal biopsies, water, washing clean japonica.

2, add water, put the old cucumber, dried tangerine or orange peel and japonica rice, ducks, kidney, then turn fire pot fire small pot 2 hours. Flavoring

With functions of responding to bother, solutions, sore throat, hot red urine, etc.

To wet ingredients

American ginseng: overeating cold food, drink, can cause spleen qi, American ginseng tea beneficial stomach.

The lotus leaves from dry leaves, fresh. In addition to the role of wet diuresis, also has the effect of feed.

Large-headed atractylodes: is the root, compositae as dietary supplements. With strong and weak of indication and limbs with appetite, etc.

TuFuLing TuFuLing: white close plants, but their roots. With the flow of water, diuresis and sedative.

YiRen: namely, Chinese sorghum, dried attempts to wet, eliminates oedema and beneficial effect on the stomach, diuresis effect.

Kapok: dehumidifier and heat function.

This is the root of the grass, is the good materials to wet diuresis.

Reduce wet coup

Following 6 can reduce moisture

Do not reside damp land, try not to outside to wet places.

Moisture and rainy days, but had better not often window still undertake ventilated.

Notice indoor convulsions and wet. Hard work clothes  even not loath also wear stem clothes.

"Cold and damp often come together, must pay attention" warm, don't eat too much, also do not catch cold food, eat more food to wet, spleen, stomach, let moisture with proper used urine discharge.

The weather is good to bask, proper motion. Go

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Ian Michael jujube soup

Ian Michael jujube soup
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word has improved after menopause medicinal mood disorder, moody, poor appetite, sleep, or menstruation is scarce.
Gump: medicinal wheat jujube soup

Ingredients: liquorice 12 grams, wheat 12 grams, red jujube 5 1/2, vegetables, pig rib 300 grams ribs
Accessories: 2 small spoonfuls of salt

Methods: 1. Peel vegetables, wash, cut hob, Pig rib wash, the cup of hot chops remove. Licorice, wheat quickly rinse water

. Red jujube, rinse with owner.on back slightly clap. 2 in 1 to practice within the saucepan, add eight bowls of water boil about 40 minutes, add salt to taste.

Tips: 1.the licorice, wheat, red jujube, since the ancient times and boiled sanwei treatment is good before and after menopause, hysteria, women tend to affection

Polity instability phenomena, common situation is temperamental, whispers, panic, tension, afraid of getting along with others, insomnia, or sleep quality

Poor appetite, Ian Michael, can adjust mood, red soup calm the nervous system, and achieve yangxin. Tranquilize the nerves 2 most sensitive menopausal women

Feeling and fragile, the pressure of flexibility is weak, easy tired to comfort, plus the physiological variation, often can cause

The spirit of menstrual symptoms, easily disorder, menstrual quantity few but not sloppily or lumbar debility, dizziness, hot flashes

Night sweats, can improve the soup feeding.

The load of the food web.

Text links: http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/109.html

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The latest dried tangerine or orange peel mung bean pot duck

Dried tangerine or orange peel mung bean pot mountain delicacies
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word has plenty, medicinal detoxification diuresis. Especially suitable for staying up all night long blain blain skin easily or sores,.

Ingredients: dried tangerine or orange peel 10 grams, green bean soup 50 grams, duck bacteria 150 grams.

Seasoning: 1tsp salt, onion, ginger, and cooking.


1, will all raw materials, rinse skillet, add onion, ginger, and cooking.

2, a simmer until soft, then add the salt a waxy can cook.

Note: if you use sand pot boil, about 2-3 hours.

Taboo: weak with unfavorable feed more pregnant women.

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Medicinal soup: HuaiShan sparerib soup

HuaiShan sparerib soup
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: do this way when need to pay attention to the following medicinal

1 and when wear leather strip yam food cooking, adhere to the skin, gloves, easy cause red, itchy,

2, the ribs with cold boiled, better remove blood foam,

3 and when the soup to hot water to ribs, avoid condensation heat and cold and protein, meat but not easy to cook,

4 and cooked meat ShangChun delicious ribs, yam soft slippery, don't add much sweet spices, destroying original taste.

Winter is a good time to drink soup, winter HuaiShan sparerib soup is good to drink. A common ingredients, as some effort, can use a pot boil tonifying qi profit lung, sleeping annealing good soup. Satisfy the taste of meat or fish is tie-in, still have a good health, good efficacy of fitness hands-on try. Quickly

HuaiShan also called yam, although its appearance, but beneficial Ervin kidney strong bones and muscles, spleen, stomach, sleep, is a cheap food, superior in southeast Asia, the ancient is widely used for medical supplements. Yam contains a lot of starch and protein, vitamins B, vitamin C, vitamin E, glucose, crude protein amino acid, alkali bile. One important nutrients diosgenin, female hormone synthesis is the effective substance, with functions of nourishing and enhance the efficacy of metabolism. Yam also has the blood, cool and refreshing annealing tonifying qi, effectiveness, and the profit lung, renal function is very obvious. What is worth mentioning, yam, ladies, for love is a kind of natural food, it contains rich body of fiber, after eating will produce full abdomen move to control appetite. As a kind of tall nutrition yam, low caloric food, so you can rest assured to eat, but don't worry fat, etc.

HuaiShan sparerib soup method:

Ingredients: ribs 750 grams, HuaiShan 500g and salt eight grams, stock, ginger, gram, gourmet powder, pepper, water 2000 g,


1 and the cold, cook until pork spareribs, salvage spare; boiling

2, tear, peel HuaiShan dipped into the salt water to prevent discoloration,

3, ribs and stock, hot water, ginger, and cook until the medium,

4, join together to HuaiShan block, boil boil, turn again pot cover 40 minutes.

5 and chops and yam are rotten, crisp pot soup is good, salt, MSG and pepper can drink.
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Lotus seed pig hearts soup and tutorial

Lotus seed pig hearts soup
The original material: pig hearts, lotus, prince and 60 grams, 30 grams of 15 grams flesh.

DE qi's color: bushing, yangxin nerves. Cases of mental decline exhausted, light, lack of sleep, troubling forgetfulness, etc. For neurasthenia and impatient of spleen qi, palpitation insomnia.
Robert: (1) ones, lotus seed pig (heart), the prince, wash the flesh round.

(2) all materials into the pot, add water, boil, fire pot WuHuo 2 hours (or to) or boil for seed, seasoning for use. , forgetfulness, etc. For neurasthenia and impatient of spleen qi, palpitation insomnia.

Robert: pig nutrition value heart - heart is a pig nutrition is rich food. It contains protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin c and nicotinic acid etc, this to strengthen myocardial camp
Lotus - and lotus, lotus, lotus treasure, water, Dan ze zhi zhi LianPengZi, water and do. For water lily lotus seed of Ephraim mature plants, is the product of the common tonic, have very good nourishing effect.
text link:http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/103.html


Fill gas food: ginseng jasmine tea

Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this word has deficiency. For medicinal Applicable to shortness of breath, after the deficiency, tired tired, since god unceasingly, diet not sweat, palpitations, dry mouth.
Food: ginseng jasmine tea
ginseng jasmine tea
Ginseng jasmine tea production materials:
Forrest: ginseng and bitter. Lukewarm, tonifying qi, sedative, yiqi.
Jasmine: li yu, and swore monarch. Indications dysentery abdominal pain, red eyes and sore boils pyogenic etc.
Green tea, anti-aging, antibacterial, cancer, improve digestion, etc.
Main ingredient: ginseng 5 grams, jasmine 5 grams
Accessories: 5 grams, astragalus tea 5 grams

Ginseng jasmine tea:
Ginseng, jasmine, astragalus to water and green tea.

Ginseng jasmine tea production) :
Ginseng if choose the five northeast old participation, better effect.

Food is grams
Ginseng tea with unfavorable ginseng: taking the newspaper's terrible, five psionic fat, evil acacia, soya bean, alkali, stewed, purple quartz
Astragalus: evil shaggy fruited dittany, astragalus LiLu, feared fat, including five spirit.
Green tea: don't use tea to send take medicaments,
1 hour before taking tea don't.
Ginseng, ginseng is unfavorable and tea.
Avoid drinking wine tea,
Before the unfavorable tea,
Immediately after avoid drinking tea,
Avoid drinking tea girl.

The load of the food web.

Text links: http://www.52yaoshan.cn/yaoshan/renshen-molihuacha_5572.html


Ginger angelica mutton soup

Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: the cognition to the cold, blunt.
Angelica, is widely used in traditional medicine "to the" gynecology. It is of temperature, flavour, Michael essien, compares, liver, spleen. Its main function is to regulate the menstrual function, blood:

Invigorate the pain, dryness slippery.

As early as 1800 years ago in the determination and return to treatment, have to "or" (i.e., the woman leakage women's menstrual disease).

Lamb is warm, and strong taste, belong to nourish the body strong tonic, can treat disease after the weak, postpartum gas

Blood loss and body emaciated, the muscle is not sufficient, weak legs, and women's breasts, menstrual under water leakage, and other diseases. "Caesar stew

Dosage: angelica hotpot "each 9-15 grams, about half jins of mutton.

In addition, the han dynasty landscape of the well-known zhang swollen synopsis of prescriptions, is called "angelica ginger mutton soup". That is the sheep

Meat, angelica, ginger sanwei. It is the special treatment stomach pain and postpartum women body cold and pain, make the body function, because it out

In warm blood can be.
Female: the ginger herbal angelica mutton soup

Formula: angelica 9 grams, mutton 60 grams.
Method: angelica first water decocting juice, add minced lamb double-boil soup, with a little salt taste.
Usage: carnivorous drink soup, daily 1 agent, 7-8 for food.

The load of the food web.

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Corn sparerib soup

Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: corn sparerib soup is protected, slow aging gastrointestinal heal, strong and prolong life of health care efficacy.
Xie soup can not only to xing solution greasy, blue tooth, increase appetite, refreshing to enjoy comfortable in the can also provide nutrition, protection, slow aging, gastrointestinal heal the body and prolong life health benefits. "Start the meal with soup, equal to prescribe", people had to use all sorts of nutrition of diet, more formed history "ShangWenHua". Today, we put meat or fish, let nutrition delicious in the soup enjoy!
Xie xie food: - corn sparerib soup

Corn: of flat. With adjustable in appetizing, calming nerves, lung, and liver heat, anti-aging, etc. Function.
Xie xie ribs are very popular, basically do is delicious! Braise in soy sauce sparerib, sweet and sour pork spareribs, candied small roast... of course also soup good material, can match the dishes and many. And to eat corn season, let it gues-star! Tender corn, nutritious and delicious ribs, let's get our stomached loaded, more can enjoy the sweet beauty and fresh soup, it is one of the best choice!
Xie xie materials: ribs, corn, oil and salt
Xie xie: ribs, wash cup boiling water to remove ironed rinse and drain. Drain. The pot, add a little oil heat oil drain after the wash the ribs, and burnt surface, send out a full-bodied fragrance, turn off the heat. Sand pot, add water and boil until the Fried pork spareribs again when boiling heat and boil half an hour slower to shang that suckles white. Wash and cut into sections of corn soup pot, add spareribs and talk about 1 hour together again. The pot before a few minutes add salt to taste, without the other ingredients.
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Laba rice porridge

Laba rice porridge origin
Lunar month, the Chinese people are eating laba custom. It spread from India laba.
The Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, this is the land of northern India LuoWeiGuo Vishnu (Nepal), king suddhodana son, he saw all dead by such pain, and dissatisfaction when the brahman theocratic rule, abandon the throne, monks Abbey. No harvest, early after six years in December 8, austerity, under the banyan tree in the Buddha fulfillment. On this day in six austerities, only feed a linen one meter. Don't forget his descendants of suffering, in every month to eat congee or as a souvenir. "LaBa" became "Buddha into tao day." "LaBa" is a buddhist cinema-goers. Before liberation Buddha temple for all, and follow the Buddha were held to offer before the MuNv, legends, with chylothorax sweet fruits, cooked porridge for Buddha, said "it". And the disciples and gave it to the organized, later ChengSu handed down in the folk. On December 8 to temple monks, by holding down the street BoYu alms, will be collected meters, chestnut, dates, nuts etc material boil it out to the poor. After eating legend can be obtained, so the Buddha bless it called "Buddha" porridge. Song: "today modes of Buddha ShiYun lu you, the more phase was porridge sleep jiang village festival new." It has stored near hangzhou TianNingSi stack up "floor" ordinary meal the leftovers temple monks daily, the dry season, to a surplus or boil laba rice porridge, called "fushou dispense believers porridge", "at" mean to eat congee can increase by the later. Then the temple monks of treasure grain virtue.
It is used in ancient adzuki bean, cooked rice, then materials increase gradually. During the "wu3 lin2's old subtle, said:" with walnut, pine nuts, mushrooms, persimmon, chestnut, persimmon mushroomlike porridge, 'make laba." Today, China's northeast, northwest area of eating laba retained, guangdong area has little custom. Materials are different, multi-purpose glutinous rice and beans, dates, chestnut, peanut, ginkgo, lotus lily cooked porridge, etc. Sweet, Also joining longan, longan, preserves equate boiled meat. Winter eat a bowl of steaming laba rice porridge, both delicious and nutritious, can actually increase increased longevity.

Laba rice porridge. Materials,
Main ingredient: rice, carrots, 2 2 pieces, green bamboo dried mushroom, a 7-10 flower, agaric little pig meat, half jins, shrimp 5-8 ingredients: salt

1, first, put sand scour meters clean water pot with small fire pot after. If an ordinary casserole, aluminum pot also can replace you. Do not add water to overflow, little pot of six or seven out of ten.

2 the meat into the pot, stay KaiGuo skimmed foam. After Meat to choose a thin pig meat.

3, and will put skillet wash shrimp.

4 and will send good mushroom beforehand bubble cut into 3 millimeter xiaoding will bubble good agaric chopped into skillet together.

The carrots cut into five, of 3 millimeter, into the pot. Since xiaoding Carrot should choose a little bit of Lebanon, there can be hard, core.

6 and 15 minutes, will be cut into dry and smoke of 3 millimeter xiaoding and put the pot.

7 and 10 minutes, will be cut into green bamboo of 3 millimeter xiaoding and put the pot.

Eight, the period shall be frequently stirred porridge, avoid sticky saucepan. According to the circumstance also can add some water (because so many things to put, porridge will become very thick, of course, if you like to drink a thick porridge).

9, 30 minutes, add some salt can heat.

For more about 3-4 people, each about 3-4 bowls.

This way, but also the laba fragrance beautiful color. The ruddy, have carrots xianggu mushroom, agaric Blackpool, smoked dry brown, green, green bamboo well-balanced. In the cold winter, family around a bowl, TV, so it again on a few sample dishes, it is very warm.

The load of the food web.

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Beauty spot gourd medicinal tender skin limit

Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: the way of interferon induced medicinal born agent, can stimulate human body to produce interferon, antivirus, purpose of cancer. Generally speaking, eat, nutrition and tender gourd therapeutic effect is better.
Herbal medicinal: gourd

Fresh, crisp green gourd sweet fragrance, is in the summer heat, purging fire, a better food. Detoxification Not only nutrition is rich, and gourd have medicinal value, is treasure. According to wuhan light rock TCM acupuncture clinics, towel gourd, director of specular rocks, rich in nutrition ingredient of interferon induced, can stimulate human body is born to produce interferon, the purpose of cancer antivirus,. Generally speaking, eat, nutrition and tender gourd therapeutic effect is better. Cold sweet taste of gourd, have cultivated bowel, phlegm, cool blood wind, activate collaterals detoxification, gas such effect, still can remove stagnation blood, help with treatment of urine, but more under the mothers feed also can cause diarrhea, long intestinal smooth causative agent is weak, loose, indigestion, or eat less advisable.

Towel gourd or disappear, remove wrinkles freckles, whitening agent of natural beauty. Long-term consumption or use towel gourd liquid your face, still can make skin smooth and fine person, anti-wrinkle, prevent, eliminate acne and special effect. The melanin calm

In the kitchen, if large spot on time is cute little freckles, so for a mature women, those who be way is the enemy of beauty!!!!! Come now, and let of flaws in the kitchen.
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