
LianZiGeng tremella

LianZiGeng tremella
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: this way, or that tremella LianZiGeng tremella medicinal effect of soup, the seed word food has rich nutrition, health, and can be used as a complete food supplements the Yin constitution.
Tremella LianZiGeng tremella lotus soup

The following are: LianZiGeng tremella or tremella lotus soup materials and methods

Ingredients: 100g, tremella lotus 20 grams, sugar, rice, red jujube several 100 grams

Practice: the rice gruel cooked. Can put sugar (boiled diabetes can also put). Tremella. In lukewarm water Lotus cooked to heart. Then put tremella jujube, lotus seed, and open

In a pot of porridge, sugar, boiled slightly into WenHuo

