
Sweet potato approval date sugar water

Sweet potato approval date sugar water
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: today is spring brings to wet secret yam tonic huai jujubes, sugar water. This sweet water is a sugar huai dates for spring, sweet potato and eat dessert yam, jujube were them sweet food, compensation, prevent suffered stomach, add, afternoon tea, or as a dessert, snacks, sweet and delicious and nutritious, is my secret. Health spring,
In the process of making this word medicinal need to pay attention to 2:
1, red jujube had better go nuclear edible after ZaoHe because hot, eat more easily.
2, if use fresh yam skin, when must take gloves, or sensitive.
Spring nourishing to wet secret yam approval date sugar water

Spring nourishing to wet secret yam approval date sugar water nutrition clew:

Yam: and the blood fill in, wide aperient bowel, enhance immunity, prevent cancer anticancer, anti-aging, prevent arteriosclerosis, contains rich dietary fiber supplements, is very good, eat more healthful material. However, gastric, heartburn, diabetes, also don't eat shoulds not be with the persimmon, tomatoes, liquor, crab, bananas with food.

Red: contain protein, fat, carbohydrate, organic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium amino acids etc rich nutrition. TCM holds that red is beneficial stomach, tonifying qi qi, blood and blood to tranquilize the nerves, detente property, etc.

Yam: nutrition is rich, is the tonic food after recovery. Yam contains proteins can prevent cardiovascular system glue of fat deposits, prevent arteriosclerosis. Still can increase human consumption yam T lymphocytes, enhance the immune function, cell delay senescence. Yam contains rich vitamin and minerals, which contains quantity of heat and relatively low weight, have very good fitness function.


Sweet potato a (about 150 grams), red jujube (5) to nuclear (about 20 grams), HuaiShan slice 20 grams (available in supermarkets or pharmacies, fresh yam can also, fresh yam 50 grams), 2 slices ginger, candy


1, will go nuclear, dry red with warm water for 10 minutes, HuaiShan slice rinse off with clear water, soak for 10 minutes, if use fresh yam, wear gloves to wash, cut into skin and sweet potato with big hob,

2, sweet potatoes peel, wash, cut hob to use,

3, will sweet potato, red jujube, HuaiShan, ginger, injected with in pot 2 times of water, boil, use small heat to boil for about 20 minutes, and material SuRuan enough,

4, add sugar and cook, serve.

