
To wrinkles

To wrinkles
Chinese herbal nets sweet hint: spring breeze big easily cause the skin is dry, so today to serve up some good hairdressing wrinkles, select medicinal.

Wrinkles medicinal selection

In fact besides cosmetics besmear daub, what can wipe with wrinkles? That is a variety of little secret inside, look for you, together with the youth


Don't LaoFang appearance


Ginger 500 grams, jujube 250 grams, aloes, clove every 25 grams, fennel 200 grams, 30 grams of salt, licorice 150 grams.

How do? :

These things were for the end, and beaten. Set aside.

How to eat the most effective:

Every morning, when open bubble tea drinking 10 grams. Eliminating wrinkle, looks old efficacy.

Lingzhi quail soup


Break quail eggs, ganoderma lucidum 60 grams, red jujube 12.

How do? :

1 the ganoderma lucidum wash, cut into small pieces, Jujube (to) clean nuclear, Hard-boiled quail eggs, shell.

2 all the materials into the pot, add water, fire, WuHuo boil boil until the sugar to taste, ganoderma lucidum, again into boiling pot.

With blood and essence reduce wrinkles. Color

Skin and anti-wrinkle drinks

Materials: folk prescription: a few food and stomach!

Celery, broccoli, tomatoes, red grapes, grapefruit, orange, honey and milk is adequate.

How do? :

1 the celery, broccoli, tomato, orange, grapefruit juice with stir.

Grape juice 2 separate spare, Honey and milk heating water will soften. Above mix together.

How to eat the most effective:

1-2 times per day. Often take has abundant muscle and reduce wrinkles ze skin, make skin tender, shiny red.

R. anti-wrinkle porridge


Ripe radix rehmanniae, medlar every 20 grams, delicately fragranced 10 grams, chicken meat 100 grams, 60 grams, fine salt japonica, ginger, monosodium glutamate, with adequate.

How do? :

Wash chicken meat, chop the meat mud, backup, Pour dihuang three traditional Chinese medicine water two times, juice, set aside.

Wash, put the earth japonica, add chicken meat with fire, and simmer porridge, add fine salt into porridge, chopped green onion, ginger, and gourmet of flour for cooking.

How to eat the most effective:

One day, when breakfast, 1 times strike after eating. Every 20 agent for a period, the interval after 5 available under a treatment. With blood and nourishing kidney, PE, i. listened Ukrainian occurred solid tooth efficacy. Long served have anti-wrinkle anti-ageing effect.

Almond milk sesame seed


Almond 150 grams, walnuts, sesame, 75 grams of white rice every 100 grams (glutinous rice with warm water for 30 minutes), black sesame 200 grams, evaporated milk, 250 grams of sugar and water amount 60 grams, medlar, s.s. amount.

How do? :

First, sesame and stir-fry until slightly above materials together with gauze champs paste, filter, candy and water juice, then boil the paste, and medlar, s.s., fire boil.

How to eat the most effective:

Every morning after cooling, every 100 grams. With skin, delay ageing skin colour and anti-wrinkle and anti-wrinkle efficacy.

